
Other Case Studies

1-  Comcast.net Gets a Redirect (May 2008)

In a devious hack isn't important to finding crafty way like to finding a back door or an indirect access into a safe system or server,it means that account information was compromised. Such was the situation recently when a member of the hacker group Kryogeniks unapproved access to Comcast.net registrar center, Network Solutions. The domain name system (DNS) hack changed Comcast .net's landing page to conversion those endeavoring to get to webmail to the hackers' ' own particular page Representatives for Comcast and Network Solutions are still hazy and  unclear  in  how the  hackers got the username and secret word.

(Alaa Mushayt)

2-  Military Source Code Stolen (December 2000)  

In the event that there's one thing you don't need in the wrong gives, it's the source code that can control rocket direction frameworks. In winter of 2000, a programmer broke into government-contracted Exigent Software Technology and caught 66% of the code for Exigent's OS/COMET programming, which is in charge of both rocket and satellite direction, from the Naval Research Lab in Washington, D.C. Authorities could take after the trail of the interloper "Leaf" to the University of Kaiserslautern in Germany, however that is the place the trail seems to end.

(Ashwaq Almadi)

3- RasGas

THE QATARI NATURAL gas company commonly known as RasGas. In Aug. 27, has been hit with virus that shut down its website and e-mail servers, according to news reports.  An official in the company said, the attack did not affect the company’s operational computers that control the production and delivery of gas.  It’s unclear if the malware that struck RasGas is the same Shamoon malware that is believed to have been used in an attack earlier this month against Saudi Aramco.

(Ghadi Alghamdi)

4-  CD Universe Credit Card Breach (January 2000)

A shakedown plan turned out badly, the posting of more than 300,000 Visa numbers by programmer Maxim on a Web website entitled "The Maxus Credit Card Pipeline" has stayed unsolved since mid 2000. Proverb stole the Visa data by rupturing CDUniverse.com; he or she then requested $100,000 from the Web website in return for wrecking the information. While Maxim is accepted to be from Eastern Europe, the case stays starting yet unsolved.

(Malak Albaqami)

5- Hostile to DRM Hack (October 2001):

In our eyes, not all programmers are terrible folks (as confirm by our rundown of the Ten Greatest Hacks of All Time); regularly they're simply attempting to right a wrong or make life by and large less demanding for the tech-devouring open. Such is the situation of the programmer known as Beale Screamer, whose FreeMe project permitted Windows Media clients to strip computerized rights-administration security from music and video records. While Microsoft attempted to chase down Beale, other against DRM activists proclaimed him as a crusader.

(Sarah Almarhabi)


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